Monday, September 26, 2016

Good Dogs

I saw this Dalmatian at the donut shop and I haven't quite got him out of my head.

Tuesday, September 6, 2016


Hey there!

I forgot to post these after we finished them, but a while back Kari and I made cyanotypes! It was super fun and easy to do. Basically, you put any objects or what not on top of the special paper, and then when the sunlight hits the paper it leaves a silhouette of the object. To activate the chemical reaction, you soak the paper in water and the silhouette appears! Here are some photos!

Friday, June 17, 2016

Live From Brooklyn!

Hello internet friends!

I made a little promo piece for myself. I had a lot of fun making these cassette tapes. Even though my extent of listening to cassettes was for Barbie Workout or Rafi Sing Alongs, I still remember them! Let's just be glad we don't have to rewind things anymore!

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

NYC Adventure

I've moved to Brooklyn, NY! After graduation, Jay and I packed up our stuff (well, maybe half of it) and left Rochester for the city. Jay is working at Carrot Creative, doing super cool stuff! I'm stilling looking for a job, but I'm hopeful something great will come along. The city is full of inspiration!

I found out that Walt Whitman lived in Fort Greene, which is where we are living. This is one of my favorite quotes of his and the view from our window. I've always wanted to have a window with a fire escape for sitting, not for hope of a fire!

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Collage Day YAY!

Hello friends!

Kari and I had another Collage Day (I'm a little late at posting these, but better late than never). Oh and this time we had donuts. Side Note: collaging is much much more fun with donuts. Until you accidentally think the glue is glaze. Anyways, we collaged in 6x6 squares. The Rochester Contemporary Art Center does this super cool thing called 6x6 and if you have no idea what I'm talking about, check it out here

I chose to make some for the 6x6 submission and then a couple extra to give to my mom for her birthday. I hope she doesn't see this before I give it to her... My mom has always dreamed of vacationing in Maine, so when Kari pulled out maps of New England I immediately thought of her.  

The last two are ones I made for fun and submitted to 6x6. For the second to last one I found those silly little babies with cabbages and knew I wanted to incorporate them somehow. As for the last one, I was inspired by Hagar Vardimon who is a super cool collage artist. He uses a lot of dots. Kari and I love dots. She has this fantastic dot punch. 

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Collage Day!

On Saturday Kari and I had a collage day! She brought in a boat load of cool papers and random fun stuff that she has been collecting over the years. We found a good table in the sun and collaged our little hearts away! I began working on my final project, which is an ABC book about all of the different dog breeds. This has been such a great experience so far and I can really see myself improving as we continue to learn and look at other artists. Any-hoo, here are some pictures of my collages.

My friends Ty and Annie stopped by and joined in the fun!

I did a Basset Hound, Golden Retriever and a Komondor.

Friday, March 25, 2016

Capstone and Kidney Stones

Capstone and kidney stone are very similar words. Probably because they inflict similar amounts of pain. Anyways, I've been chugging along with mine. I uploaded some work in progress to my website. Check it out! If you are reading this. Mom. That's you.